Sunday, October 27, 2013

Waiting game

James was moved last night back up to Oncology. They took his drain out of his head Friday afternoon. Yesterday he had a quick MRI to see if the fluid is gone. There is a tiny bit of fluid still but they said it should go away on its own. His tummy has started to get a little big again. They are doing an ultrasound in the morning to see how things are. We are having a meeting with all the doctors on Tuesday to go over everything. Also Dr. Adams from PCH called and said she wants Dr. Moss to do a spinal tap and have a biopsy done on the tumor in his spine. Pretty much if the biopsy comes back that it's malignant he will stay at Cardon's and do two more cycles of chemo. If it's benign we will go to PCH and he will do high dose chemo and stem cell transplant. We are praying that he will get to move on to his next phase. He has been doing really well. We go and throw coins in the fountain out front a few times a day. Also today he played with his dad in the playroom for two hours. He is so bored sitting in his room. He is doing better! His liver is still not great but it's just going to take a little longer to heal.

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