Tuesday, October 15, 2013


James has gotten a lot better over the last few days. All his counts are up and his rashes and mouth sores are gone. He still has the tube in his tummy but they clamped it this morning to see how his body does. He still gets platelets because of the tube in his belly. They scheduled the MRI for Thursday so that he could have a few days of feeling good before they sedate him and we move on. He has been off oxygen for a couple days now. He is also asking for soda. He is so cute every time you put the spoon close to his mouth he says "mmmmm" it is so funny. It always makes all the staff here laugh. He has been talking more and is definitely acting like a 2 year old. He throws tantrums when we tell him no. You know he's feeling better when the tantrums come back. He doesn't eat anything orally although he asks for things. As soon as I bring him what he asks for he decides he didn't want it after all. If he does alright with the tube clamped they will remove it either tomorrow or Thursday morning and then we will go back to Oncology. Thank you for all the love and prayers. We are asking all to please pray we get good results from the MRI!

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