Sunday, October 6, 2013

Back and forth

We have had a busy week so I'm sorry for not updating. Tuesday night James was moved to the PICU because he was just requiring a lot of attention. He has so many meds right now he has to have one nurse focus completely on him. They found from the CT scan he has a sinus infection so that is part of the reason he keeps getting fevers. They are just going to treat it with antibiotics for now until his platelet counts come up. They may go in and suck all the fluid build up out but they said it might go away on its own. Thursday they moved us back up to oncology and we hoped he would get better and be able to come home. James' stomach had grown bigger so they worried about that. Friday night was not a good night. James had extremely high blood pressure and was having a really hard time breathing. They put him on oxygen and did a chest X-Ray, which came back normal. Saturday morning his blood pressure was still really high and his stomach grew another centimeter so they transferred him back to the PICU that morning. His tummy was so huge we kept saying he had a "pregnant belly". His belly button was popped out and his skin was so tight. Dr. Slinko came and took one look at James and knew immediately what was wrong with him. His eyes were sunken in and a little yellow. He said he had Veno Occlusive Disease(VOD). Pretty much his liver isn't working properly. The fluid is going into his liver one way and coming back into the abdomen, thus causing his stomach to grow. They did an ultrasound to confirm it. They gave him platelets to help protect him before the procedure. As soon as the platelets were done Dr. Slinko came in and inserted a tube into the left side of the abdomen. It will drain the fluid into a bag. Last night he drained a little more than 2 liters of fluid and his stomach is still pretty big. They said the tube will stay till it has drained a certain amount of fluid and then they will remove it. James is still on oxygen and is still in pain. His mouth sores are getting better but the rash is still present everywhere. He will stay in the PICU until, the tube in his belly is removed because the nurses upstairs are not able to take care of it. He is supposed to get his MRI done either Friday or a week from tomorrow. We hope and pray that the tumors will be all gone so he doesn't have to go through anymore chemo. If it's gone he will have one round of high dose chemo and that is supposed to kill everything. He is still fighting strong and doing such a great job. I am so grateful for my sweet little boy and the time I get to spend with him, even if it is in the hospital!

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