Thursday, October 24, 2013

Getting better

So James had his surgery on Tuesday afternoon. They told us it would be in the morning but they were pretty unorganized and then his neurosurgeon changed the procedure the very last second. They were supposed to put two more shunts in his brain but apparently no one told Dr. Moss about the VOD problems James was having. Instead he changed the shunt he already has to be programmable and then put a drain tube on the right side of his head that comes out and drains into a bag. It was less invasive and Dr. Moss felt way better about. James had a CT scan Wednesday morning to see how it was looking and it showed that lots of the fluid had already been drained. Dr. Moss plans on removing the drain either tomorrow or Saturday.
Also Monday night James' tube in his belly slid out. They decided to not put it back in and see how he does. So far he is doing great his stomach isn't getting bigger. They can tell by his levels that his liver is still not 100% but it is getting better. I'm just glad he doesn't have that in his stomach anymore.
He's pretty cranky lately. He doesn't like anyone but mom or dad to look at him, touch him, or even talk to him. We are hoping that he will start to be less cranky as the pressure in his head goes away. They said he might be going back up to the 7th floor on Sunday or Monday. It just depends on how he does.
Next Tuesday we are supposed to have a meeting with the all the doctors about how James is doing and what the next steps will be. They are waiting to hear from Dr. Adams over at PCH to see if he can go straight to High dose chemo and stem cell transplant or if she thinks he should do two more cycles of the regular chemo. I am praying that he will be able to move forward to PCH. Our poor boy has been through so much and he deserves some good news!

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