Sunday, December 22, 2013

Rest days

Well the side effects have started to hit. Yesterday he was ok with just a little nausea but today it's worse. Poor boy feels terrible. He's thrown up a couple times today. He just wants to sit and cuddle with his momma. He's been playing with his toys still but he doesn't play as long, he just doesn't have the energy. When Zoey comes by to visit though it brightens his whole day, he loves her so much. He is asking to walk now(with help) around the room. His legs are getting so strong, they want to put a brace on the right one to help him walk a little better. Tomorrow is the "big day" as all the nurses say. He will get his stem cell transplant tomorrow morning. They have to give it to him in 15 minutes or less. I guess the stuff they freeze it in stinks so James will smell for a little while. Usually between day 5-10 after chemo is when his counts drop and all the mouth sores appear. We are hoping it won't be too bad for him this time. The nurses are ready for it though, they have pain meds ready for him when he needs it.

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