Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Here we go

James' pre treatment work up took a little longer than planned. He has to have a PET scan done now Friday morning and then next Wednesday he will start his chemo. We meet with his doctor on Monday to go over everything. I'm kinda bummed they won't wait one more week till after Christmas but I also understand the sooner he starts the better. He is doing so great with his therapy he can crawl everywhere. They really wear him out. He has loved all the Christmas lights and decorations. Yesterday he said he needed to open his presents. Other than that we have just been enjoying our time together.

1 comment:

  1. Still praying, still anxious for news, thanks for keeping up on the blog. I'm sure you have your hands extremely full. Prayers and love for your family as you embark on the next leg of this journey. Fingers crossed!
