Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 9

James' mouth sores are in full swing. So they have put up this pump with pain medicine in it to go in a little bit a day long. They just want to keep his pain under control. He was given platelets this morning, most of his counts are low. He isn't eating at all so they have him on TPN and Lipids which is IV nutrition. It goes through his liver so we aren't too excited about that. The possibility of him getting VOD again is pretty high. He has chemical burn on his groin area and kind of on his back. It doesn't seem to bother him too much as long as we keep cream on it. He still plays with all his toys and is smiling and having fun. It's officially RSV season so as of tomorrow Zoey is no longer allowed in. It really stinks because he loves to play with his sister. She won't be allowed back in till he is pretty much finished with everything. Other than that he had a great Christmas and is just recovering. We hope he will get to go home for a week before cycle 2 starts.

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