Wednesday, March 12, 2014


James has been doing better. His fevers are all gone, thank goodness! Nothing ever showed up in the blood cultures so that means it was just a random fever. His liver is doing better as well. It's almost back to normal. They have been giving him medication to help and it has been working. The doctor said she will do everything she can to make sure he doesn't get VOD again. His mouth sores and bottom rash are still there. He coughs a lot just because he has so much mucus that sits in his chest. They decided a few days ago to put him on Ativan to help with the nausea. Well yesterday I had to argue for a while with the doctor to take him off of it. James has a reverse reaction to Ativan and Benadryl. When he's on it constantly he becomes extremely agitated and grumpy. Nothing calms him down, he's constantly throwing fits and is really hard to deal with. She told me he was only like that because of pain. James actually does the opposite when he's in pain. He's very mellow and subdued. It was just very frustrating to be told that I don't know my own son. Eventually she understood what I was saying and he's now only going to get it if he really needs it but the nurse has to ask us first.  The last few days have been tough for us as parents trying to keep our patience with him. Thankfully today he's not so cranky and is finally calming down. His counts are still zero so we hope in the next couple days they will come in. Once his ANC is up he will get the NG tube put back in and we will slowly start giving him formula. They said they will try to transfer him back to the Cardon's doctors as soon as they can since we live right by that hospital. He is very anxious to get out of here. I think he knows this is the last time he has to do this because he's already been making plans for thing which he usually doesn't do this early. Only a little bit longer!

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