Saturday, February 1, 2014


Yesterday afternoon James finally got a fever. For the last couple days his temp has been high but not quite a fever which usually means a fever is coming. So they took some blood cultures and started him on 3 different antibiotics. He got another fever during the night that was pretty high. This morning the doctor told us his cultures came back positive but they don't know for what yet. So he caught a bug pretty much but the antibiotics they are giving him pretty much cover everything. His poor rash is a little worse today. It's starting to itch so we have to keep him from scratching. His platelets were low again so he is getting more. They are also doing a urine culture on him cause yesterday his diapers smelled really bad. He was also hooked up to a pca pump with morphine so he is constantly getting pain medication. They said his bones probably hurt also trying to get all new cells. I feel so bad for him because he just lays there. You can just tell by looking at him he feels aweful. All his counts are still low or zero, hopefully in the next few days they will come up and he can feel better .

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