Tuesday, February 4, 2014

E. coli

James has been getting slightly better. He hasn't had a fever since Friday which is good. Also they found out what caused the fever. They found out he has an E coli infection. Thankfully the antibiotics have been working and there are no more traces of infection. They said it could have come from anything or anyone. He will stay on antibiotics for two weeks to make sure they kill everything. His counts have been a tiny bit better and he's starting to feel a little better. He's still pretty tired and doesn't play much. His rash is all over his back now. They have cream they put all over his body twice a day. It doesn't seem to bother him which is great. He has a couple blisters on his leg but he got that last time too. He likes to cuddle and have us snuggle with him in his bed. He pretty much just watches movies and sleeps all day.

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