Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Staying home is boring

James has been doing really well. Today he had PT and went to clinic. He is getting really good at walking. One of the goals is for him to not loose his balance and not fall, all week. He already failed, haha. He just starts going faster than his body is ready for and he falls. All his therapies are in the morning now which is super nice because he does way better and is really ready for nap after. He's getting better with his OT also. He has his eye appointment next week to see if there is anything we can do to fix it. He had a hearing test last week but fell asleep during it so we get to try again. He is still bald and it doesn't look like hair is coming in any time soon. He likes having a schedule and having things to do everyday. When he doesn't have any appointments he isn't really sure what to do at home. Staying home all day is boring for him. He is still playing with Zoey and having fun with his new baby brother. He asks everyday when does he get to go to Cars Land. He is very excited to go. We love having him home and we love knowing he doesn't have any more treatment to do. Hopefully it will stay that way.


  1. I think of you, james, and your family often. I keep you in my prayers. Congrats on having James home, and congrats on your new little boy, he is precious, Zoey is an absolute doll, shes a little beauty like her momma! I admire your strength and faith throughout James' journey. You have a beautiful family, & You are an amazing mom!! Its hard to believe its been so long since we have seen each other! But anyways you guys are in my thoughts and prayers always! Love-Tiff (white :))
