Wednesday, July 9, 2014

10 out of 30

We are almost half way done woohoo! James is doing well, he started to loose his hair today. We knew it would probably happen but I was kinda hoping it wouldn't. He has a hard time sleeping, which they said is normal. It takes him about 2 hours to fall asleep at night. They only nap he gets is when he's out for his radiation. Hopefully his sleeping pattern will return when he's all done. Other than that he doesn't have any side effects. He has to meet with the nutritionist next week to keep his weight up. We did meet with his oncology doctor today. James' hemaglobin was a little low so they will wait and check it again on Friday and if it's still low he will get blood. We don't really care for the oncology team here. They just make us feel like they really don't care. I'll be glad when James is back under doctor Li's care. James' walking keeps improving everyday. He really doesn't need much help walking now. His balance is still a little shaky but I'm sure it will get better. He still plays all the time. When he's not doing treatment you will find him downstairs in the playroom. He's probably in there a good 2-3 hours a day. I keep thinking well he's playing so much that he's bound to get tired and go to bed quickly but he doesn't. This is my last full week with him, Zoey and I go home next Wednesday. It's very hard for me to leave him since I've been with him everyday since this whole thing started. I just hope Sam can remember everything I tell him. We are so grateful for all the love and prayers that have been given.

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