Friday, June 26, 2015

Leg healed

On Wednesday we took James for a check up with his orthopedic doctor to check his right leg. The X-rays look really good. His leg is healed up nicely and won't need to be seen again, unless he breaks something. He had his preschool meeting this week and he will be able to get therapy through the school. He starts in August and is so excited to ride the bus! Clinic will be in two weeks and then he's due for another MRI at the end of July. If everything goes well he won't have to go to clinic every month just every other month. He's still not eating a ton. He's just never really hungry, I always have to just make him sit and eat. Hopefully he can get used to eating and he will gain some weight. My husband lost his job yesterday and that will definitely make all of James' medical needs a little more difficult. We have faith though that we will get something great and everything will be ok. James is still improving everyday and doing great.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Lost weight

James went to clinic this morning and everything looks great except one thing. His height and weight are not where they should be. He has lost weight and has only grown half an inch. He's supposed to grow 2" every year. So they put him back on Megace and said he needs to drink lots of pediasure. He's also seeing an Endrocronologist to make sure everything is the way it's supposed to be. He won't get to see that doctor till July though. He sees his orthopedic surgeon in two weeks to check his leg. Hopefully we gain get some meat on James and help him grow a little. He's doing really well other than that. All his doctors are very pleased and happy with how well he's doing.